
Disaster recovery in Heroku for Wealize

Index Because things can and will go wrong eventually, we need to have the right way of recovering from it. When we push to production, and the application fails, the first thing we need to do is roll back to the previous working version so we can debug the problem relaxed and in the warm place of …

In technology, as in guitar, to go fast you need to go slow first

Hi! As when we start learning an instrument, we cannot think we can start playing Jimmy Page’s riff with a couple of hours of practice, we need to interiorize the ideas and first think without coding, evaluate what we want to do, and design the solution. Designing is always less time costly …

Qué he aprendido contratando desarrolladores

Procesos de reclutamiento, algo que muchos de nosotros hemos sufrido más que disfrutado por el voraz y agresivo/competitivo mundo en el que se mueve la tecnología. En varias ocasiones candidatos me han pedido feedback y aquí recopilo las ideas que normalmente les han servido de algo de lo que he …

What I learned from recruiting for developer jobs

Recruiting, something many of us have suffered more than enjoyed due to the voracious, aggressive and competitive tech world. In several occasions candidates applying have asked me for feedback, here I compile the ideas they told me had found useful from what I learned. TL;DR We don’t need a …

Company goals is not to make devs happy, but purpose and stability

TL;DR A company goal is not to make people happy, but safety when they’re doing something they like or break and feel improvement in the process. I wrote this several months ago and I still think these learnings are accurate for me. What did work for me in terms of leadership? A leader’s …


Refactoring makes sense when it’s small and gradual. We do It Went to miss merlot opportunity, When you have a living a product that can’t lose momentum, but we always make concessions in terms of speed and sometimes quality goes down. Given that there are two moments for me where/when …

What I learned from dealing with people

Focusing on people (1-1, Nailted), processes (improving Scrum, Metrics, user story mapping, speed), products (new launches will be released this year and current products. (Drive, from Pink, Non-violent communication, How to make a friend… Carnegie), Career path. I have made many mistakes in …

Why we ditched story points to be more value-oriented

At TNP we worked using story points to estimate and control the amount of work everybody on the team was doing, but we decided to ditch it, here is why. We discovered several problems: People were stressed to finish their points, and they couldn’t focus on helping each other because they …

Get release tag from GitHub Actions to debug on Heroku

In TNP we’ve moved everything to GitHub Actions and we’re very happy about it. :-) But… this article is not about how happy we are using it but a small tip on how we could simplify every day debugging with some simple improvements. As a good metric oriented company, We measure and …