Simplifying API Testing with Insomnia Environment Variables

Simplifying API Testing with Insomnia Environment Variables
Photo by D A V I D S O N L U N A / Unsplash

Simplifying API Testing with Insomnia Environment Variables

When you’re dealing with API testing, especially on a project where endpoint URLs can become complex and repetitive, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Not only do you have to remember the base URL for your API, but you also have to manage unique identifiers for various resources. Enter Insomnia environment variables – a simple yet powerful feature that can save you time, reduce errors, and make your testing environment much more manageable.

Let’s break down how Insomnia environment variables can transform the way you write and manage your requests, using a real-world example.

The Problem: Repetitive and Complex URLs

Consider the following set of API requests, where you’re testing various endpoints on a service:


Each request begins with the same base URL, and you’ll notice that some parts, like UUIDs, repeat across multiple requests. This setup can lead to several issues:

  • Error-Prone: Manually copying and pasting UUIDs or base URLs is prone to mistakes.
  • Difficult to Maintain: If the base URL changes, you have to update it everywhere.
  • Poor Readability: The requests are cluttered with long, opaque UUIDs, making it hard to see what’s going on at a glance.

The Solution: Insomnia Environment Variables

By leveraging Insomnia’s environment variables, you can clean up these requests and make them much easier to manage. Here’s how you can set this up.

Step 1: Define Your Environment

First, you’ll want to define your environment variables in Insomnia. Go to the Manage Environments section, and set up your environment like this:

  "api_url": "http://localhost:8000/",
  "resources": {
    "projectAlpha": "abcdef12-3456-7890-abcd-ef1234567890",
    "projectBeta": "12345678-90ab-cdef-1234-567890abcdef",
    "projectGamma": "a1b2c3d4-e5f6-7890-ab12-34567890cdef",
    "projectDelta": "fedcba98-7654-3210-fedc-ba9876543210"

Here’s what’s happening:

  • api_url holds the base URL for your API.
  • resources is an object that maps friendly names (like projectAlpha or projectGamma) to their respective UUIDs.

Step 2: Refactor Your Requests

Now, you can rewrite the earlier requests using these variables:

{{ _.api_url }}v1/{{ _.resources.projectGamma }}/reports/accounts
{{ _.api_url }}v1/{{ _.resources.projectGamma }}/reports/assets
{{ _.api_url }}v1/{{ _.resources.projectBeta }}/payments
{{ _.api_url }}v1/{{ _.resources.projectGamma }}/payments/lender/abcdef12-3456-7890-abcd-ef1234567890
{{ _.api_url }}v1/{{ _.resources.projectAlpha }}/documents/upload

This approach offers several advantages:

  • Reduced Errors: Fewer chances of typos or incorrect UUIDs since you define them in one place.
  • Easier Updates: Changing the base URL or a UUID is as simple as updating the environment variable, and it will reflect across all requests.
  • Improved Readability: It’s clear at a glance which project you’re working with in each request.

Advanced Usage: Environment Variables in Insomnia Scripts

Environment variables can also be used in Insomnia’s request scripting to add even more flexibility and automation. Let’s say you want to automatically generate a timestamped filename for a document upload. You can do this using a pre-request script like so:

  1. First, define the script in your request’s Pre-Request Script section:
const timestamp = new Date().toISOString();
const filename = `upload_${timestamp}.pdf`;

insomnia.env.set('upload_filename', filename);
  1. Then, in your request, you can reference this variable:
{{ _.api_url }}v1/{{ _.resources.projectAlpha }}/documents/upload?filename={{ _.upload_filename }}

This script dynamically generates a filename based on the current timestamp and stores it in the upload_filename variable, which you can use directly in your request. This kind of dynamic environment manipulation is a powerful feature of Insomnia, allowing you to handle more complex testing scenarios with ease.


Insomnia’s environment variables are a game-changer for anyone who frequently works with APIs. They make your requests cleaner, reduce the potential for errors, and significantly improve maintainability. Whether you're simply managing base URLs or leveraging scripts for dynamic variables, environment variables empower you to work smarter, not harder.

So, next time you find yourself bogged down by repetitive URLs and resource identifiers, give environment variables a shot. You’ll wonder how you ever managed without them!