Ghost blog for Emacs

May 17, 2016 min read

Since I decided the path to the best editor for me is finished (for now) I decided to improve my experience with Emacs. I started learning some Elisp and the best way of learning something is always solving a problem or extending functionality.

The Ghost blog platform has now a Rest API, read-only for now, but It will be soon available for CRUD. I decided to create a mode for Ghost, It has a fairly amount of challenge when learning from scratch, how buffer edition works, how to retrieve and call an API through HTTP, how to use ert for unitesting…

I use url.el for the requests, there is a request.el package, but It sounded a bit more complicated. I also use the json.el package and the markdown-mode.

The progress can be followed in github, and you can check the CI in Travis.

It will be available in melpa, the package is called ghost-blog.

Before using the module you need to set two variables:

(setq ghost-blog-url "")
(setq ghost-blog-bearer-token "my bearer token")

There is a list post view available, It can be triggered with M-x ghost-blog-get-posts RET.

A detail view of the post. It is triggered form the post list, you put the cursor on top of one of the lines and type RET and the post detail view of that post will be seen.

There is also a post template, It can be triggered with M-x ghost-blog-new-post RET.

Edit and create post requests is implemented, but It’s not possible to test them because that part of the API is not opened yet.

In conclusion, the module right now can only read post data because the Ghost API is not yet open for writing purposes, but this implementation helped me understand better buffers and other Emacs features. Once they open the API completely, the package should be prepared to work with It. :-)