Lessons Learned from Hiring Developers

Lessons Learned from Hiring Developers
Photo by Brandi Redd / Unsplash

Recruiting, something many of us have suffered more than enjoyed due to the voracious, aggressive and competitive
tech world.

In several occasions candidates applying have asked me for feedback, here I compile the ideas they told me
had found useful from what I learned.


We don't need a PDF/paper CV, show how you work by sharing articles, your
code on GitHub, your contributions on different blogging platforms, videos on YouTube.

Companies hiring get a great glimpse of who you are if you can share it with the world.


Paper or PDF CVs are deprecated for many people, and It's difficult to interact with them. I've been recruiting (not my main role)
for four companies and I had been refining the job offers until We got to a level in which we can show our culture, honesty, and work
to do through It. This has been possible thanks to other offers we liked that inspired us heavily into the direction we wanted.

Due to that, the impact of the offers is usually high in terms of valid candidates, but still, there is a high number of candidates
that are discarded very fast because they don't show anything. Meaning they have a PDF with some information and
no relevant information on LinkedIn, so you need to download the PDF to gather the relevant information for a candidate. It's fine if
you're interested in 5, but if you are in 30 and don't have an HR person to do it, It's cumbersome and you leave people out that might be relevant.

But due to this fact, a candidate is not very different from another, and you get the differences (sometimes) if you open all the PDFs.

We want to know how you work and what you know

It's difficult to differentiate from the rest if you just have a PDF CV, no LinkedIn detailed information, or no GitHub or articles.

Pay for the thing

If you are on a LinkedIn job process, pay for the lower level subscription, it gives you information about the position you're applying to and you can
adapt your information better to the offer. It's not about lying, but about improving the communication of your personal brand.

We all have personal brands

If we want to choose better job positions, we all need to take care of our personal brand. I realized that late since what I really liked was just programming and not taking care of my brand, but I
learned on time. Take care of what you are communicating and showing (good and bad) in the networks you use professionally. Try to communicate what you do and know even if
you don't have a job. I hire some people on the spot just because of that. That shows proactivity and eagerness to learn which are two very important skills.

Try to open source everything you can, even if you think is not worth noting, It always adds value. The same in terms of posting articles about something you learned, or even video.

A video about yourself is a bonus, you learn so much from It in terms of communication and character.


Nowadays developer communities can give you a lot of information on how the market goes, what are the best companies to work on and most of all finding nice people to learn from. I meet the most interesting
people in the Python Madrid group and I'm super happy to have been part of that community. It's also very appealing and gives the same good proactivity and passion vibes companies would like in the people
they hire.

Participating in a Free Software/Open Source project is always very interesting. Even if it's only helping with the documentation at the beginning, It's a very relevant action to
point your career in the direction you want. For example, finding a project you like and It's being used in a company you want to work on. Reading code from our favorite projects
is also an amazing way of improving our coding skills and essential IMHO.

Targetting a company

  • Check if they have StackShare or find a way to look for what tech they use.
  • Check if they have GitHub
  • Check the relevant people in the company on LinkedIn, Send an Inmail message if they don't have positions open, try to amaze them with something you've done.
  • Take advantage of the possibilities we have nowadays!

Technical tests


  • Nobody wants to listen to how bad your previous company was
  • Talk about how would you be relevant in the position they are offering
  • Try to give alternatives whenever there is something you don't have (I don't have Angular but I've worked with React and I could adapt...)


The more hints we give the company on how we work without even knowing us the better. The more proactivity and interest in what you do you transmit
the more chances will be for you to get an interview.

If you want to work remotely and a company to trust you, you can start showing it in what you do now without even starting to work with them. Show them autonomy and proactivity and
that you are a Manager of One.

This was only what I've learned from being on both sides of the coin for years, but your path might be different than what I experienced. Let me know if that's the case!

Have a great day!