
Speeding Up Your Python Deployments: How UV Turbocharges CI/CD

Speeding Up Your Python Deployments: How UV Turbocharges CI/CD In the world of CI/CD, every second saved can have a significant impact on your workflow. If you’re working with Python projects, you’ve probably noticed that installing dependencies with pip can be a major time sink. However, there’s a …

Automatize your new developer's team onboarding with this simple app (in Python)

When a new developer joins our team, everybody wants to give them the best possible experience 🙌. We’ve created a simple command line app in Python that with minimum configuration helps the new developer, in a geeky way, set up his/her environment and checks if everything works! It also gives …

Debug Python and Django easily from Visual Studio Code

Debugging code, sometimes painful, sometimes funny, but always an exciting task. If we don’t use the right tools, It’s where the developer can waste more time. Making debugging easy for developers has been sometimes a problem for technology, but fortunately, in Python, there have been …

H4ckademy workshop

Last week I was in Madrid and I had the opportunity to contribute a bit to H4ckademy, a great iniciative from my friend Israel Gutiérrez. H4ckademy is a 9 week code retreat working on open source projects, they have startups as partners providing mentorship, so as a student you are working on …

Event-driven architecture: Chat with Python and Tornado

At Selltag we built a simple chat service based on events, keeping It as simple as possible. The message flow is simple. A message arrives, we emit an event, different listeners launch different tasks on background depending on the type of the message. The service is an HTTP Rest API listening on …